19 September, 2006


Okay, as you can tell, this blog has been whacked down to just a set of bones. Whacked down from the massive archive it once was to just what you see. The reason? I'm going mainstream. Let me explain.
I've kept a journal for fifteen years, and each day I work with this beast writing as if no one will ever see or read what falls on those pages. In my mind this is the ONLY way to write. Otherwise, you've got a shallow PR piece, and frankly the world is filled with that dribble.
I'm a skeptic, what can I say. Blogs are common now, most are boring, in my mind, and many, sadly, are just watered down sales tools used to try and make clients think you are hip.
I'm not hip. Never have been.
In middle school I had feathered hair, parachute pants and white hight tops. From then on the idea of "hip" was lost forever. I'm okay with that.
I'm not the right guy for many clients. I'm okay with that too. But, for some clients, I'm the perfect person, and those people won't care what I write or uncover on this baby.
The truth can be unfortunate, and that's what makes life so fun. Now, get away from your computer and get out of the house. It's nice out.

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