04 October, 2008


Some people have been asking where I have been, where the posts have been, and I have to apologize for slacking off on the Smogranch front.

I have been in a state of perpetual pack and unpack, jetting from one place to another, for work, and for shorts periods of time. So, little time to post anything more than simple observations, mostly unrelated to the photography world.

Don't get me wrong, I write everyday, and take notes on most situations I find myself in, but most of what I jot down isn't really intended for the blog world, unless you are looking for a cure for your insomnia.

So, I'm home now, for a few days, and will try to post later today, tomorrow, etc, But, we are supposed to get rain today, the first in months and months, so I might be outside just watching the day pass.

After my shoot, and subsequent quick trip to Los Angeles, and after I catch up on paying bills, returning calls, emails, talking to mom, sis and bro, etc.

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